Prayer for Expecting Mothers

All loving God,
You created the human family
As a reflection of your own divine life
So that your creation might share in your happiness.

Hear our prayer for your daughter
Who awaits the birth of her child.
She has cooperated with you in giving life.
Assist her now as she prepares to give birth
To the child in her womb.
May Mary be her guide and support,
Calming her fears and strengthening her love.

May your daughter be filled with your peace and blessing
So that she may bring her child into this world
Safely and in good health to the praise and glory of your name.


Faith in Action

Our faith guides us in serving the needs of women and children. Bethlehem House facilitates several spiritual and faith formation activities to give residents the opportunity to grow spiritually, and to engage in a faith community of their choice. Residents are not required to be Catholic to live at Bethlehem House, nor are they required to attend Mass in our Chapel.

Other ways to help.