Empowering women from surviving to thriving.

To provide pregnant and parenting women in crisis, regardless of their faith preference, with a home, hope and empowerment through life-affirming services rooted in Catholic tradition.
Providing Hopeful Support for Expecting Mothers
Family life is the basic unit of our society. There is a great need to heal our culture and strengthen the family structure in America. Bethlehem House has identified respect for all life — born and unborn — as the crucial issue our community must address.
We all want our children to have bright futures, and that future can begin at Bethlehem House. Having a baby is a beautiful blessing; but for some, the reality of an unplanned pregnancy can add another layer of uncertainty and difficulty to an already unpredictable world.
Ours is not a place to stay for the night. Here you will find a loving, family environment with access to various services and everything you need to take care of yourself and welcome your baby into the world.
Families are stronger when they are together.
Every individual has inherent worth, from the moment of conception through natural death. We are dedicated to upholding this belief by incorporating it into every aspect of our work. Our commitment to treating each person with the dignity and respect they deserve is unwavering.
It is important to us to model what a healthy family and community looks like, feels like, and functions like. Family is the central social institution and good parenting helps ustain life, guides morality and informs healthy decision making.
It is our honor to demonstrate compassion and kindness to a vulnerable population, and to instill hope in those we serve. We strive to cultivate a sense of solidarity in our greater community by recognizing and resolving cultural deficiencies.
Our People
Executive Director
Anne Rohling
Program Director
Mary O’Donnell-Voi
Fr. Chuck Kottas
Community Outreach Coordinator
Ashley Pendgraft
Activities Coordinator
Samantha Abraham
Case Manager
Maddie Sabus
Senior Case Manager
Megan Aguirre
Resident Advocate
Unikka Shanklin
Resident Advocate
Maura Mejia- Reyes
Resident Advocate
Nina Kampe
The Humble Lily Store Manager
Liz Gelnette
The Humble Lily Floor Lead
Korrie Zeschmann
The Bethlehem House enjoys guidance from a board of directors who deeply believe in our mission to provide care and resources to pregnant and parenting women in crisis.
Our board is comprised of business, faith and philanthropic leaders from across the Omaha area. Board members, along with dedicated staff members, help direct our strategy and daily work.
Matt Miller
Vice President
Paul Parr
Brett Wawers
Jonathan Meeter
Dr. Paul Esposito
Angie Lohaus
Barb Vollmer
Julie Crockett
Questions for our leadership?
Bethlehem House has a unique history and living space. Once a convent, our home is located on the former St. Patrick’s property in south Omaha.
2301 S. 15th St. • Omaha, NE
Bethlehem House does not pursue federal funding. Funding comes from community foundations, individuals, families, churches, organizations, grants, businesses and community & faith groups. Some Nebraska state funding is received and additional funds are raised through events sponsored by Bethlehem House as well as other local organizations. Click the button below to find out how you can help make our mission possible.
Are you pregnant and in need of help?
2301 S. 15th St. • Omaha, NE